Testimonials from City U of Light On Your Path Journey
“Every Day I Examine Myself on Three Counts.” - The Analects 1A:4

Bobby Wu

Tseng Tzu, who was the disciple of Confucius, had urged himself to make a self-reflection on three items: 1) whether he had failed to do his best; 2) whether he had failed to be a trustworthy person; and 3) whether he had been unable to practice repeatedly on something that had passed on him. Those ancient sages would use such practice to enhance their moral standard. It is believed that not many people in Contemporary society would follow Tseng Tzu’s practice. With the invention of the smartphone, our life has been overwhelmed by social media and other entertainment. People don't even have time for resting, thus it was unrealistic for them to spend time for introspection.

I think this is the reason why the Light On Charity had made "introspection" as one of the main goals of the service trip. The "internet-free" environment of Lamjung had enabled us to put down our smartphone, using the opportunity to communicate and reflect on ourselves. In Hong Kong, I used to rely heavily on Wi-Fi network as I did not subscribe to any mobile data plan. Whenever I visit a new place, I am always anxious about the issue of free Wi-Fi. Such a situation did not happen in Lamjung, I enjoyed the freedom from the bombardment of receiving different kinds of notification and tried to live in the moment. On the last day in Lamjung, I still remember Pink asked us to finish the dinner with bare hands, without seeing the food or talking to others. Although the idea seemed hilarious, this dinning method did allow us to experience the texture of vegetables and rice through our senses. It is a creative move which helped us to appreciate and treasure our food without any distraction. "Live in the moment" seemed like a big word, but it could be straightforward at the same time.