Akanksha |
Evelyn |
Pinkie |
Rebecca |
Tina |
I have set some targets for myself after the trip
Rebecca Ho
Firstly, I am so thankful to be one of the participant in Nepal Winter Service Learning trip 2019. To be honest, I felt so struggled when considering to join the trip or not. I wanted to explore more, contribute to the community, step out of my comfort zone and believe it must be an unforgettable journey with my best friend who also want to join the trip. Yet, on the other hand, I am a kind of person that resist meeting and lots of workshop. After considering not to let myself regret, I joined the trip and so thankfully, get the offer.
During those pre-trip workshops, I did not really put my greatest effort and attention. Our team seems always not prepared well for the planning on teaching session and creative workshop. Yet, during the pre-trip workshop, when I saw how other teams prepared well for their sessions, I started to feel worry and doubted on myself why didn’t I devote my whole heart for the trip. Also, I told myself “whether to just finish the work casually” or “do our best and to bring the best to the Nepal children”. I tried to give out more opinions and also participate more and talk more to the team.
I felt so happy when our team ran the session smoothly although it was not perfect. I could see we all tried our best to teach, play and talk to the children. Among the team, I believe the biggest challenge is the language barrier. We have one Mandarin speaker and rest of us are Cantonese speakers. During the discussion, we often forgot to talk in Mandarin/ English and talked in Cantonese which may actually hurt teammate feeling.
But the good thing was that we all trying best to control ourselves and remind each other every time. It is one of the impressive experience with the team.
I think the most inspiring session throughout the program is the time talking to Light On organiser - Pink. We may think travelling around the world is not possible in reality. Yet, Pink showed us how she achieved her dream. It is true that we may have constraints for not taking the action but we do not really try hard to solve these constraints. For me, I also hope to travel different countries in the future but family is my concern.
Then, Pink suggested that I should actually save certain sum to family that can secure the living of family before I start my trip. Pink’s experience also remind me to live a meaningful life and understand on what is the thing actually important and create happiness in our life.
During the trip, I did encounter some minor issues that make me feel upset. I can still remember how I open my heart and express my sadness to my friend. I felt quite sorry for being so emotional and spreading negative emotion at first. Yet, I am impressed by my friends telling me don’t apologise for being sensitive or emotional as these are my true feeling and even thanks me for saying that. Now, when I am recalling memory at that time, I appreciate myself for making the right decision. And, It was so true that these experiences did make my trip more impressed.
We were also taught to live in the moment during the trip. In Hong Kong, we all rush to “live”. Rushing to see the outcome, we often forget to enjoy the process. In Nepal, we spent 30 minutes to have the yoga session. We only focus on ourselves/ breath/ environment at that moment. I really feel relaxed and energetic every morning when I finish it. Backed to Hong Kong, I will keep reminding myself to live in the moment, enjoy and trust the process.
The biggest takeaway in the trip is definitely friends. I really enjoyed the quality time chatting and being crazy with them. I didn’t expect I can meet a lot of new and good friends here. Although we are from different years, background and culture, we can get along with each other well. I am so so so so thankful for that :)
I have set some targets for myself after the trip. Firstly, I hope to slow down my pace to enjoy the moment on everything that I am working on. It can be slow down on eating to enjoy the food, stop multitasking to focus doing one thing at a time. It maybe really hard to achieve when people besides are moving fast. I will always remind myself to focus on my own but not comparing one to other.
Second, I hope to appreciate myself more. Always can’t look at the good side of myself, I keep my self-esteem at a very low level. And, especially when I compare myself with others. During the trip, we had a session writing feedback to other participants. At first, I was so afraid that there would be many negative comments on me telling me not being so noisy etc. But it turned out that they see my “energetic” and “laugher” in a good way. I will try and always remind myself to recall back and appreciate my accomplishment and celebrate for my uniqueness.
Thirdly, I hope to care my community more. It is true that other developing countries need our help. Yet, instead when we may not have much time to join the service trip, we can also give a helping hand to our home country. It can be easy as caring our neighbours, giving a smile to a person and forming earth-friendly habits etc. |