Testimonials from UST of Light On Your Path Journey
Gaby Djohan
Jasper Chiu
Joyce Tang
Katherine Yung
Ryan Tang
Eager to contribute back

Joyce Tang

This Nepal service trip is definitely one of the best service trips I have been on. Not only were the activities very well-organized to allow us to have all-rounded exposure to Nepal’s culture and its people as well as serving and contributing to the local communities through different ways, I was given lots of opportunities to reflect on myself and my perspectives on different things in life.

One of the most impactful aspects of this trip is the work that Light On is doing in Nepal and its impacts on the local people and communities in Nepal. I have worked in social enterprises in Hong Kong as intern before and to be very honest a lot of the times their impacts on the target beneficiaries are not as significant. However, after going on this trip, observing the interactions of Pink with the villagers and listening to Pink’s stories, I realized how influential Light On’s works are to the villagers and the local communities they are working with. From the warm welcomes received from the villagers to the smiles on the children as well as their parents we were interacting with, I can tell our visits and the work that Light On is doing are very welcomed by the villagers and meant a lot to them. In the past, I always doubted whether one-off voluntary services are really that helpful to the locals, but after this service trip I start to learn the significance of our work and that even one-off interactions and help offered to the locals have huge impacts on them.

After listening to Pink’s stories, I really admire her for leaving behind a materialistic life to pursue her life goals and purposes. I have started to think about my own life goals and what I really want in life. All my life I have followed what others think is the best path but did not really think about what I want for myself. Now that I am in my final year and almost graduating, I have chosen a career that would give me a good materialistic life but I am very unsure about whether it will give me the satisfaction and purpose that a career I am truly passionate in would be able to bring. This trip has given me the opportunity to reflect on my goals and dreams and although I still do not have the answers yet, it has prompted me to think about my own wants and that I should not blindly follow the mainstreams which is already a good start.

I have learnt a lot from this trip and these learnings can be applied back in my life in general as well as my studies and career in the future. Firstly, is my greater appreciation to what I currently have and own in Hong Kong. After experiencing not getting to shower and the rawer life in the nature, I have learnt to appreciate the steady supply of clean and hot water back in Hong Kong and the greater comfort I enjoy at home.

Back then I was never content with what I have and always looking for more and complaining. However, after seeing the villagers in Nepal having so little yet being happier than we are made me rethink about what I already have and how I should be satisfied and enjoy what I already have.

I think that this changed mindset can bring me greater happiness in general and not pursue materialistic wants as much but rather look for spiritual and experiential fulfillment in life.

Another learnings would be better communication and interpersonal skills with people of different ages and cultural backgrounds. This trip has allowed me to interact with children, adults and elderly of a completely cultural background which has greatly improved my communication skills with these people.

All in all, this has been a very impactful trip to me as I have, hopefully, created some positive impacts on the local communities and also reflected on myself and gained some new perspectives and learnings which will be useful in my career and life in the future. I will continue to participate in more community services both locally and internationally even after graduating as I think it is my responsibility, as a more privileged person, to use my ability and skills to contribute back to the community and create positive impacts.