Testimonials from UST of Light On Your Path Journey
Gaby Djohan
Jasper Chiu
Joyce Tang
Katherine Yung
Ryan Tang
Being a leader

Ryan Tang

This trip helped me not just to know more about Nepal, but also on UST Connect and Light On. Before the workshops I knew very few about our partner “Light On”, however after the introduction talk and most importantly after talking to Pink Lee, the founder of Light On during the trip, I knew that the major objectives of Light On were to empower the Nepalese village community by providing better education opportunity to Nepalese children and helping the locals to improve quality of life by teaching them provide hostel service to tourist and also to enhance local women self-confidence and gain sense of achievement after accomplishing a series of handicraft workshop. As for Connect, the objectives were more student orientated which include facilitating students intercultural learning, enrich learning experience through self-reflection and develop civic awareness to create change maker. I believe that this trip has managed to achieve most of the objectives of Connect and Light On, I was deeply impacted by the trip and constantly reflecting my performance in the trip and also my lifestyle before the trip.

Throughout the service experience, I have taken away two strong impressions, one is the difference in quality of life between HK and Nepal and the second one is about myself. For the cultural gap between HK and Nepal, I think it is not just for HK and Nepal, but rather 1st world country VS 3rd world country.

During our stay in Nepal, I discovered that life was very difficult for the locals, most of the things we see as essentials and basic life quality such as hot water shower, transports, meat were luxurious items in Nepal. The locals in the village use cold water for cleaning even the temperature was only 4 degrees, the children who lives on the top of the mountain walks up to 3 hours a day just to go to school and most locals cannot eat meat in daily basis since meat is expensive and is a sacred resources to them. These were really surprising and shocking news after we heard it and even more shocking when we experience it ourselves, it reminds me how lucky we are to live in a society like HK where we enjoy good quality of life and I will always be grateful for that.

The second impressive part of the experience is self-exploration, before the trip I never considered myself as a good leader, in most group projects, I am usually a follower and let other capable people to lead the team. However after this trip I realise being a good leader is more than capable himself, but also to link up everyone in the team and make the best out of everyone to form a strong power together instead of acting alone for everyone. I am surprised that instead of just being a follower, I am also capable of being a leader and lead my team to achieve our goal and plan smoothly and successful.