Testimonials from City U of Light On Your Path Journey
People I have met

Natalie Warne, Year 3

Light On Your Path Journey is not the only overseas voluntary work I have participated in, but it is the most meaningful one I have experienced. Short term serving trips are more or less about visiting, education and construction works, however, the people I met during this trip to Nepal inspired me, and provided me with a new understanding of these kind of overseas volunteering works.

The father from the homestay family toiled half of his lifetime. He sent his two eldest sons to cities for study, and he plans to send his youngest son to a big city to study as well. It seems he could start to relax, however, in order to improve the whole community, he developed the homestay business on his own initiative, aiming to help the other villagers financially. Although the business is still in its infancy, under his leadership, the villagers have prospered.

Amrit and Tulasi, “dad” and “mum” of the children’s home, are undaunted by the government’s impediments, and unafraid of the financial burdens. They are dedicated to providing a home for the 12 little angels, giving them love and hope. The sincerity and contentment of these kids moved me. We played marbles, bean bag toss, and other simple games. They all enjoyed so much and played the games repeatedly.

I have visited different children’s home and schools before, and most of these organizations would take advantage of the interaction between children and volunteers to gain some materials and donations. Thus, the children know what to do in order to please the volunteers; Pink (the founder of Light On) said, “This is consuming the kids.” By implanting the wrong values in the children, not only it will not bring any long term positive imparts to the kids, it will on the opposite influence their mentality in a negative way.

Pink gave up her stable life in Hong Kong, and she experiences the world on her own. She found a sense of belonging in Nepal, a country that is diametrically opposed to Hong Kong in terms of living standard and culture. She made significant and admirable efforts for the people there!

Volunteers are not necessary people who should be honored as “Givers”, because local people do not necessary needed to be “given” something. Only when both parties equally interact with each other you are left with unforgettable memories.

Volunteer trip is completely different from a travel tour, I hope I will have more opportunities to participate in such kind of learning and self-reflective journey in the future.