Testimonials From Our Individual Volunteers
[Long Term Volunteers]
Hin-Sing Yuen
[Individual Volunteers
from our Light On
Your Path Journey]
From the Trip in
Feb 2020
Alvin Law
Clarins Ng
Suraine Lee
Tweegie Tsang
From the Trip in
December 2016
Connie Wong
Daniel Lai
Echo Choy
Eva Hsu
Heidi Chan
Hin-Sing Yuen
Karon Li
Miranda Ng
Selina Yuen
Sunny Shek
Xavier So
From the Trip in
October 2016
Ellen Chan
Jane Chan
Leonard Ho
From the Trip in
May 2016
Rosa Yeung
Shirley Yeung
From the Trip in
March 2016
Becca Orf
Leeon Li
From the Trip in
Feb 2016
Carina Chan
Hazel Chow
Molly Lam
[Individual Volunteers from our Light On Your Path Journey]
From the Trip in March 2016

Becca Orf, USA

This program is just what I was hoping for. Expectations have been exceeded. I feel like I have gained more of an understanding of Nepal village life and culture.

Leeon and Pink are both wonderful, so cheerful in rain and shine. Friendly and great attitudes. I felt right at home.

The homestay family has been amazing - respectful and lovable and curious and inviting.

Dhal Bhat is delicious. I wouldn't stress about variety - it's a more realistic experience when you eat it twice a day like everyone. The chlorine pills have been fine too - no bad effects. No shower and the ground toilet are great too - people will adapt to deal with it, fine.

I have loved learning about Hong Kong and Nepal, learning some Nepalese, and getting to interact with local people in a way that didn’t involve expectations of money, chocolate, or romance. I have met wonderful people.