Testimonials From Our Individual Volunteers
[Long Term Volunteers]
Hin-Sing Yuen
[Individual Volunteers
from our Light On
Your Path Journey]
From the Trip in
Feb 2020
Alvin Law
Clarins Ng
Suraine Lee
Tweegie Tsang
From the Trip in
December 2016
Connie Wong
Daniel Lai
Echo Choy
Eva Hsu
Heidi Chan
Hin-Sing Yuen
Karon Li
Miranda Ng
Selina Yuen
Sunny Shek
Xavier So
From the Trip in
October 2016
Ellen Chan
Jane Chan
Leonard Ho
From the Trip in
May 2016
Rosa Yeung
Shirley Yeung
From the Trip in
March 2016
Becca Orf
Leeon Li
From the Trip in
Feb 2016
Carina Chan
Hazel Chow
Molly Lam
[Individual Volunteers from our Light On Your Path Journey]
From the Trip in October 2016

Leonard Ho, USA

Prior to the trip, I had good feeling that this would turn out to be an exciting adventure. I've neither been to Nepal nor on any other volunteering trip of this kind. Overall, things were great! I honestly don't have any recommendation or comments on how to make the journey any better except I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't quite contribute more effectively work-wise, so shame on me.   

Of all the things in the journey I enjoyed most was the walk from the village to the school. The mountain scenic was spectacular, and I had such a great time walking along with all of you. I feel now I am ready to trek further up the mountain after this trip...Haha. Also, Babu's Lemon tea was the most calming and soothing drink I had during the Journey, and I enjoyed that more than beer.   

I certainly will continue to follow you guys on Facebook and your inspirational articles online. And if opportunity allows I would love to participate in your future journey/projects if you don't mind having me again.